Saturday, August 20, 2011

It Ain't Necessarily So!

There is so much to write about today that it is difficult to focus on any one of them.  Let’s see here.  We have the lousy economy, brought about by political intransigence on the part of the radical right wing of the Republicans.  We have the more or less radical left ranking on Obama because he is not doing exactly what they want him to do, completely ignoring all of the really positive programs he has gotten into place. 

We have 8 or 9 trolls from the Republicans as candidates for the Presidency, with the worst troll, Rick Perry, from Texas acting like a deranged cowboy and talking like a cocky, naughty fifth-grader, all the time setting himself up as a Christian.  And of course there is Michelle Bachmann spewing her hate-filled speech, and setting herself up as a Christian.  Ron Paul is right up there with the rest of the trolls, as is Mitt Romney, although he keeps his religion more or less quiet.  The only really good candidate, Tim Pawlenty, dropped out.

Here in my county several years ago there was an election in one of the communities wherein two or three candidates were so far out in left field that a third of the electorate didn’t bother to vote because they didn’t think anyone would actually vote for the space-cadets.  Well, the people who put up the space-cadets to run worked really hard, and the space-cadets won.  The community ended up in bankruptcy, had some of their latent powers taken away by the state, and are just now beginning to come out of the mess the space-cadets caused.

We need to take a lesson from that.  So the Republicans have put up some trolls to run.  We have to make sure that they do not get elected.  We musn’t be so smug that we think no one in their right mind would vote for them.  Well – that ain’t necessarily so!! 

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