There is probably more to feel optimistic about the future
of our country now than there has been ever since W was elected. I really wanted him to succeed, but, alas, my
desires were cruelly thwarted not only by his own ineptitude, but by the lust
for power and greed of those advising him.
During these present seemingly turbulent times, however, I
see the people of this country rising up, finally, and fighting back. It disturbed me over the past few years when
I would hear about the monumental apathy of the young people of this
country. I didn’t see that, but neither
did I see a banner under which they could coalesce and march.
“We are the 99%” makes a marvelous banner, and it is one
which does not exclude anyone who wishes to march under that banner. Over time, I’m sure there will be more
definitive objectives formulated, as well as leaders of the movement
emerging. As one pundit said this
morning, “Give them a break. They are
only two months old!”
In the meantime, the rest of us who support them but cannot for
whatever reason join in must continue to raise issues that need addressing. Last week I mentioned that JPMorgan had
accrued $547B from food stamp/debit card holders. It is easy for the banks to garner these
funds by the means of “swipe” fees.
Whenever the card is swiped, a fee is automatically deducted. To charge food stamp/debit card recipients a “swipe”
fee is, in my opinion, about as crass and corrupt as one can get. This service should be provided by the
Federal government, and for a lot less money.
But, one of the good things that has happened is the
formation of an organization, United Republic.
This organization came about from Dylan Ratigan’s movement, Get Money
Out, and other like-minded organizations, such as the Democracy Fund. They have united under the name United
Republic: Democracy Is Not For Sale.
Their goal is to get money out of politics. Pure and simple. The means for doing this is not so
simple. One method is a constitutional amendment,
which although it will take time, work and much politicking, would be probably
the most permanent! Google United
Republic and check this out yourself.
For these, and many other reasons, I am much more optimistic
about the future for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. If we can keep up the pressure, they will
have a much better future than I feared they would have.
And are these kids cute!
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