Friday, June 22, 2012

Absurdity at its Best

Over the years I have often been amused by the pompous right wing conservative’s lack of humor.  Everything is so very earnest.  When I was first elected during Board meetings I simply could not keep my sense of humor out of the conversation.  After one of what at the time I thought was particularly funny even though I can’t remember what it was now (after all it was nearly 13 years ago), the very conservative Chairman of the Board commented that “we need to keep under control here”.  Of course, the response to that was, “Is someone out of control?”  I give him credit for telling me several months later that he really liked the lighter tone.

With that being said, Rachel Maddow had a segment on her program last night that I thought was particularly hilarious.  I tried to pull the segment up on the MSNBC website, but the ExxonMobile ad that popped up first would jam after the first few seconds, so I googled D. Portado instead and came up with the following paragraphs which are the ones Rachel had on her program.
Here’s an excerpt of a 1996 episode of This American Life that featured Mr. D. Portado:

Man: Hey, Pedro. Go back to Mexico, stop taking our jobs, and stop looking at my daughter!

Daniel D. Portado: Immigrants, are you tired of being pushed around in America? Well, don’t sit on your serape. Do something about it. Join the conservative political action group HALTO– Hispanics Against Liberal Takeover. 

Announcer 1: HALTO was formed by Mexicali karaoke lounge sensation Daniel D. Portado as a way to spread California Governor Pete Wilson’s message of self-deportation to a national audience. 

Daniel D. Portado: I am the chairman of HALTO, Daniel D. Portado. What is self-deportation, you ask? Think of it as a permanent vacation. Just imagine, in one easy step, you can avoid all this crazy anti-immigrant harassment in America. How? Self-deportation. Just imagine yourself on the beach, in Mazatlan, relaxed, tension-free. Immigrants, join HALTO today and see your homeland tomorrow. 

Announcer 1: Self-deportation is a trademark of Hispanics Against Liberal Takeover. Subject agrees to voluntarily repatriate to native land or Mexico, whichever is nearest. All self-deportations are final. No exchanges or refunds. Tickets are one way only. 

Pete Wilson never got the joke!!  He took up the banner of self-deportation as a serious issue.  Apparently Der Mitt has not gotten it either, since he so seriously brought it up during one of the primary debates as something the Hispanic community supported!

Never, never, ever vote for a Republican who has no sense of the absurd. 

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