Friday, July 13, 2012

Republican Insanity

Republican Insanity

 “The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result”  Rita Mae Brown, "Sudden Death", 1983
This quote has been floating around in my head for some time lately, so I figured I had better think about why that was so.
It took me about five minutes.
The Republican Party, beginning with Ronald Reagan, then later via Karl Rove, et al, led a majority of the American people down a garden path of absolutely stupid economic theory that it was possible to grow the economy by cutting taxes on the very wealthy, cutting spending on vital services for the rest of us, and that would then cause the wealthy to put that money into their businesses, the rest of us to get a job, and the economy would equal out with the great increase in tax revenue from the grown businesses.  That economic theory started the downward spiral of the American economy because even Bill Clinton sort of bought into it.  He signed the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act which had been in effect since the 1930’s, and which had kept the banks and mortgage business separate and regulated, authorized NAFTA, and encouraged the off-shoring of business.  Since the businesses were off-shoring, they weren’t paying as much in taxes, which in the long term negated the supposed growth in tax revenues.  Coupled with that during Bush 43’s occupancy of the White House and two un-paid for wars, of course we are in a Depression.  Call it a Great Recession, but a Depression by any other name is a Depression.
Because the Federal government now has massive economic problems, it is not possible for the Feds to send very much money on to the States, and most of the States have cut taxes as well, so they are being hit with a double whammy – less money from the Feds combined with less money from state revenues.  The only thing the States can figure out to do is cut spending on cities and counties, who then have to cut personnel and those services that the citizens need and have relied on for nearly 60 years.  Teachers, law enforcement, fire fighters, good roads, and other public employees to assist them when they need help.  In our county this also includes an excellent Elections Office which sees to it that there is no voter fraud in our county.
In 2008 we elected a President who understood these problems, although he was not given accurate information as to the depth to which our national economy had plummeted.  And, he also faced a Congress where the Republicans were determined that he would get as little done as they could manage.  This is not a conspiracy theory.  John Boehner, Speaker of the House, and Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, have both stated publically that their aim is to see to it that Barack Obama is a one term President.  But he still has managed to accomplish some really good things for the country.
Now, we have Der Mitt to deal with.  He is going around the country saying what we need to do is cut taxes on the wealthy, have poor people pay their fair share of taxes, cut spending on the services people need.  Der Mitt made the comment at a televised campaign rally, and I paraphrase, “Didn’t Obama learn anything from Wisconsin.  The American people don’t want spending on teachers, police and firefighters.  We need to listen to the American people”.  Apparently he doesn’t believe that teachers, police and firefighters, and other public employees are Americans!
Which brings me to my next rant.  Just who does he define as Americans?  He talks about people wanting “free stuff” from the government.  He talks about how teachers, police and firefighters are ruining the economy for the American people.  He talks about how he will see to it that Americans will not become poor.  He seems to ignore that 99% of Americans who are already poor or worry about the poor from these crack-pot economic ideas.  Just who are these Americans he talks so much about?  Just the 1% with all of the money?  Does this make one an American?  What are the rest of us if not Americans?
Der Mitt wants to go back to the economic policies of George W. Bush, who famously said at a banquet, “It has been said that I represent the “haves” and not the “have nots.  That isn’t true.  I don’t represent the “haves”.  I represent the “have mores”.  So if we “have nots” go back to the failed policies of George W. Bush and expect a different result for us, does that make us insane?  You betcha!!

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