Saturday, December 15, 2012

Michigan and Connecticut

Ah!  Today I was going to write about what is going on in Michigan with Governor Rick Snyder jamming through union-busting legislature turning Michigan in a “right-to-work” state.  And if that isn’t a misnomer I’ve never seen one.  As some wit dubbed it, the “right-to-work for less” law.  On top of that, Snyder and the Michigan legislature are expanding their right to dissolve local governments the Governor deems to be in financial straits and for him to appoint a “manager” to oversee their finances, and to take the “appropriate” steps to rectify the situation.  Bull pucky!!  As a former local elected official, I find this about as totalitarian as one can get.  The people elect these officials.  If the people don’t like what the officials are doing they can vote them out of office.  The state has no business dissolving a local elected body!!

But I can write very little today.  My husband and I lost a child, and although it was many years ago, when something like the shooting in Connecticut occurs, the old tapes begin to replay.  So forgive the shortness of this posting, and contact your state officials to reinstate the ban on assault weapons, and guns that have multi-bullet clips.  That would be an excellent first step to stop this insanity. 

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