The sun is shining today, and contrary to the belief
of some residents of the East Coast, California is welcoming spring. The flowering plum trees have their not
lavender but not quite purple blossoms out; the willows in the creeks are
beginning to leaf out, making their silhouettes look like a green mist; the deciduous
oak trees have their little green leaves out, as do the sycamores. This year because it is so dry, the creek has
already closed the sand bar before it reaches the ocean, which means a very
limited supply of water for the community which is dependent on the creek’s
aquifer for water, but that has nothing to do with spring! The bulbs are up, or coming so, and the
flowers should be quite beautiful.
More good news on the home front, an excellent
long-time SLO County journalist has started an online newsletter,,
to discuss the local political scene. It
can also be accessed through Facebook.
It is really needed in our county because we are the last place on the
California Coast that the developers are lusting over to make into still
another asphalt parking lot. And the
local Chamber of Commerce exerts an undue influence on what is printed.
We have had a
politically difficult situation here in our county when one of our more
liberal, rather than right-wing, County Supervisors announced that he and his
Legislative Assistant were having an affair and he was divorcing his wife of
sometime. The legal arm of the County
Counsel’s Office has exonerated them from absolutely no wrong doing as far as using
any county funds, sending any inappropriate e-mails, etc., using county time or
equipment. But that exoneration has not stopped the local right-wingers from
taking out after him during the local Board of Supervisors meetings in a
concerted effort. Although I hate
repeating what one of the agitators said during a public meeting, it is only by
repeating it that the magnitude of the problem becomes apparent. He wanted to know if the Assistant had been
hired to be a prostitute and a whore.
The Public Comment period of the Board had become a real cesspool of
comment on that issue. It had already
become a looney-bin on another issue.
Our county has a policy of Smart Growth. That is, put the growth which we know will
take place where there are sufficient resources, both natural and human-made,
to sustain the growth without burdening the rest of the populace with having to
suffer the consequences. When I was in
office, I was a great proponent of Smart Growth because it seemed to me to be a
reasonable policy to have. In the State,
it was proposed by the Local Government Commission, comprised of locally
elected officials state-wide at their
annual meetings at the Ahwanee Hotel in Yosemite. Thus, known as the Ahwanee Principals.
Much to my surprise this year, some 8-10 years after
I first heard of Smart Growth, I find that the United Nations has what is
called Agenda 21, which proposes somewhat the same thing. This Agenda 21 has some people in our county
absolutely bonkers over our Smart Growth policies. They apparently think the UN is going to
swoop in with their black helicopters and steal our “Private Property Rights”. And some members of our Board apparently
agree with them!
We also have a local organization, Coalition of
Labor, Agriculture and Business (COLAB), which supports this opposition to both
Smart Growth and Agenda 21. I have found
it quite interesting that there is very little in the way of Labor, more
private property rights (pro-development) owners of ag land, and a whole lot of
Business. They have been here in this
county for many years, coming and going with the political winds, and have
surfaced again. And COLAB is a proponent
of doing away with Smart Growth.
The other more liberal Supervisor has been working
some three years on a proposal for the county in cooperation with local NGOs to
create a homeless shelter on land that the county already owns. There has been a task force meeting during
this time that has been open to the public and has encouraged public input to
insure that the public’s concerns were all taken care of. All of a sudden, after the majority of the
Board of Supervisors became right-wing, the local right-wing business people
decided to jam the process. I know
someone who has been attending the task force meetings, and her comments about
the jamming just about follow the text book on how to jam a process. Complain that they weren’t included, that no
one listened to them, that…. The jamming
so frustrated the Supervisor that he lashed out at the jammer. The local media took out after the Supervisor
rather than the jammer!!
Thus, with the sun shining, the advent of, spring beginning to spring, things may be looking up in this
county. Of course, we could use some
more rain. Never satisfied, I guess.
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