Saturday, May 31, 2014

It's That Easy

While watching All In With Chris Hayes the night he had the clip of the scruffy guys with guns shooting up a female mannequin while sniggering through the whole thing because they didn’t like the women from the organization Moms Demand Action for Sensible Gun Laws, or Moms Demand Action for short, I immediately went to the website: and signed my name as a supporter.
And then after the horrible tragedy in Santa Barbara this past week a small group of us decided to take action and affiliate with Moms Demand Action here in our county.  We have received much help from the Moms group, and have been promised more.  And we have received much support via Facebook
With that being said, the following are the thoughts I have had regarding the 2nd Amendment, gun violence, and mental illness.  First off, I carefully read the 2nd Amendment again, and I was struck by the fact that the first four words are, “A well-regulated militia…”  Because of the tremendous pressure put on Federal legislators by the NRA, which is funded now by the gun manufacturers, we do not have a “well-regulated militia” we have unregulated vigilante individuals and groups who are not in place to insure the “…security of a free State…” but instead are terrorizing our homes, neighborhoods and schools with their completely irresponsible behaviors.  The NRA should go back to doing what it started out doing, and that is teaching gun safety and responsibility.  Frankly, as it is now, in my opinion, it should be listed as a terrorist organization.
The second half of this equation, however, is the status of our mental health system, or lack thereof, in our county, state and with the Federal government.  I was elected to office in 1999, which wasn’t all that long ago.  One of my fellow Supervisors commented to me when he assigned me to be on our Mental Health Board (now called Behavioral Health) that, “We probably don’t even need this.  People should just pull themselves together and get on with it.”  Since I had members of my own family who were battling mental illness, this comment didn’t sit well.
People who exhibit at-risk behavior which may indicate they are perhaps a danger to themselves or to others deserve, as human beings, the care and services they need.  This is where our priorities must be as well.  At this time there are many bills before our State legislature regarding both gun safety legislation as well as mental health issues, and this is very hopeful. 
As citizens, we need to keep up the pressure.  With those of us who still have busy lives, one way of doing this through computers, is to go to: and sign up to support sensible guns laws.  It’s that easy.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Transitive Verbs and the Death Penalty

When I first got into politics years ago, the current mantra from those with a more conservative viewpoint in my county was that we “have to protect agriculture.”  That really brought me up short because in my mind “protect” is a transitive verb.  That is, it carries a thought from one side of the noun over to the other side.  Therefore, I kept asking, “Protect agriculture from what, or to do what?”  This didn’t sit well with a lot of people who wanted to protect agriculture’s right to develop the property willy-nilly for development.  But, they didn’t want to say that right out in front of God and everybody, so they hid it in what sounded like a really good thing. 

So, imagine my amusement when I heard a Tea Partier say the other day, quite pompously, “We have to trust people”.  That sounds really good, also, but what are we trusting people to do?  To further restrict women’s access to health care?  Restrict voting?  Even cutting taxes further for the wealthy and corporations?  We have to be really careful of those transitive verbs and use them correctly, and even more, demand that politicians use them correctly as well.  When you hear stuff like that, don’t assume you know what is meant.  Ask questions, and demand real answers. 

Which brings me to the death penalty.  Years ago when my own kids were quite small, there was a particularly gruesome crime in the San Francisco Bay area.  A man named Greg Abbott kidnapped and killed a little girl.  Or, that was what he was found guilty of doing, and he was eventually electrocuted.  He never confessed.  There was so much media frenzy over this that it even reached down to Fresno.  One of my daughters asked me what the word execution meant, so I was explaining that when a person did a really horrible thing like killing someone, that person was executed which meant that his life was taken away; that he was killed.  She didn’t answer for awhile, then asked, “Who kills that person?”   

Overtime I have given much thought to the subject of the death penalty because of that question, and because of other reasons.  Eventually I have become adamantly opposed to the death penalty.  Now we have the situation wherein much wiser people in Europe are refusing to sell the drugs in the United States that have been used to render the person being executed unconscious in order to administer drugs that will eventually kill him or her.  As a result we have the example of the botched execution in Oklahoma a few weeks ago wherein it took the man 45 minutes to die.  One state is considering bringing back the electric chair, and I believe it is Utah which is considering using a firing squad.   

We have all of these discussions on ways to implement the death penalty, when the subject ought to be why have it at all?  Some arguments are that it is a deterrent, but that doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny.  Others are that some people are so rotten they deserve to die.  Or that they must be gotten off the streets.  The last one is sort of silly because if someone is put in prison without possibility of parole, that certainly gets them off the streets.  The argument that some people are so rotten they deserve to die is the one that most people use.  I find this one the most difficult to explain.  Perhaps they are – but there have been too many people executed that have subsequently turned out to be innocent that the danger of killing even one innocent person ought to be enough to stop using the death penalty.   

But the strongest reason, in my opinion, is what it does to the rest of us.  Our society’s obsession with guns, violence and death are fueled to some degree with our callous disregard about whether a prisoner might be innocent.  And, we hear a lot from the right wing about abortion.  Life starts at conception.  But one of the great secrets of our time is that more main-stream churches, including, for some time now, the Catholic Church, are just as adamantly opposed to the death penalty.  If one is pro-life, then be pro-life.  Stop picking and choosing whose life has more value than someone else’s. 
All life has value.




Saturday, May 17, 2014

Pistol Packing Mamas?

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I can remember when I was a very young child hearing my mother and my grandmother argue over whether women should vote.  My grandmother, apparently, was adamantly opposed to it, but my mother said she was going to vote anyway.  My childhood and young adulthood was pretty much dictated by what society expected of girls and young women.  When I was in high school I also remember my mother telling me that I must not let the boys know how intelligent I was because they wouldn’t like me, yet at the same time being expected to make all ‘A’s.  Talk about a double message! 
When we got to the 1960’s and ‘70’s and the rise of feminism, what a heady time that was!  We were encouraged to make our own choices about our lives, our bodies, our thoughts, and whatever we wanted to.  My parents had taken out a life insurance policy for me when I was about 10, and in the mid ‘70’s it became apparent it was not worth much, and the funds could be invested better elsewhere.  When I went to our insurance agent, who was also a fellow parishioner in Fresno, he told me I had lucked out – that the law had just changed and I didn’t need to have Bill along with me to sign that it was OK if I cashed it in.  I could just choose to do that all by myself!!  I also have some memories that were horribly denigrating to women regarding rape, and sexuality in general.
Consequently, the rise in the past 30 years or so on the part of the radical religious right to roll back some of the advances made by women have had me somewhat concerned for my beautiful great-granddaughters.  My daughters and granddaughters can really take care of themselves better than I ever could have at their ages, but it is the little ones I worry about.  Here in California we aren’t impacted so much by this roll back, but using Texas as an example, it really is worrisome that the state government is complicit in closing women’s health clinics across Texas that provide basic health screening to women.  They are being closed because they also offer abortions.  Forget that they provide screening for the cancers that are the most prevalent among women (breast, ovarian, cervical), but also diabetes and cardio-vascular health, and the education that must go along with this.  I have singled out Texas, but this attitude is also gaining ground in too many states to mention here.  It is indicative of an effort to prevent women from becoming equal to men in decision making.
My understanding is that the logic for this is that women need to get married and have their husbands take care of their health needs – they don’t need specialized clinics just for them because it encourages them to be independent of men, and to make their own decisions about their health care.  All of this under the guise of being anti-abortion.  When Bob McDonnell, the past Governor of Virginia, and his Attorney General, Ken Cucinelli, determined that a woman in Virginia who needed an abortion would have to undergo, at her own expense, a trans-vaginal ultra sound probe, in my mind I could hear them snigger behind their closed doors that they would show these women who was boss.
But the final straw for me was the clip from All In with Chris Hayes this past week that showed a bunch of scruffy men who are outraged over a group of young women who have formed a group, Moms Demand Action, firing multiple times at a naked female mannequin, nearly destroying the mannequin.
My grandfather and my dad taught me how to shoot a gun, but of greater importance, how to treat one with the great respect a gun deserves.  Not to respect the gun itself, but to respect the damage and horror the misuse of a gun could generate.  But this new gun worship really has me deeply concerned.  Responsible and mature male gun owners are not who I am talking about.  I am talking about the non-thinking male who believes that a gun is what makes him “a man”.  But turning a bunch of non-rational gun-toting men loose on women who they just might disagree with is terrifying.  Without ever turning back from any of these anti-woman decisions, our rights as women, and now our very selves have once again become endangered. 
I am speaking metaphorically, but we gun-toting women, so to speak, need to all join Moms Demand Action.  A pistol packing mama with a fast trigger finger might work, but what is better and more effective, an even faster mouth.


Friday, May 9, 2014

In Conclusion, Pickled Pig's Feet

Before I start writing, I have to acknowledge that I have not read the Common Core standards that have been set for the schools in this country.  But, as usual, I have some fairly strong opinions on the matter of education and its vital importance in a democracy.  These opinions were formed by my own educational experiences in the public schools of California in the 1930s, ‘40s, and ‘50’s, and then in the ‘60s and ‘70’s with my own kids. 
Fortunately for me I had some really excellent teachers, and of course, some really rotten ones.  This is par for any school system, I think.  The same held true when my own kids were in school.  They had some really outstanding teachers, and some that I refused to let some of the younger ones have.  Sorry that the elder ones had to try them out first! 
My own major in college was English Literature, and with this it was, in those days, required that we take world literature, as well, so I became at least acquainted with literature from around the world, even if it was only a nodding acquaintance.  Better that than nothing because it gave me some conception of the ideas that the ancient Greeks and Romans held, as well as ancient Sanskrit writings.  Thus I knew about ideas that they had millennia before the United States was ever a twinkle in anyone’s eye, and experiences that other civilizations had that would truly be better if we did not!  Of course, history came right alongside the literature.
What really disturbed me about the educational concepts that produced No Child Left Behind was that it did not teach children to think, at all.  They needed to memorize ‘stuff’, but that ‘stuff’ had no relation to anything else.  It did not teach if one, or a group of ones, or if a country did thus and so, there might be a final result that no one really wanted.  Or contrarily, that would benefit everyone.  These concepts were in place in some areas of our country long before No Child, etc. and could produce the idiotic statement by a southern preacher, “If the King James Bible was good enough for Jesus, its good enough for me.”  No history, no concept of when the King James Bible was written, or what the conditions were in England that caused it to be written.  A fascinating time then, for sure, and in some respects it reminds me of our own. 
My little understanding of Common Core is that its desired result is, among other things, to teach kids how to do critical thinking.  So of course the radical right is freaking out.  The last thing they would want are people who can see right through their faulty logic.  As an example, the radical right is still touting the ‘trickle down’ theory of economics.  Instead of trying to be reasonable in discussing this, we should be asking the question, “And what year are you expecting this to happen?  It has been 30 years since this became established economic policy in this country, and have you been trickled on yet?” 
There may be a lot wrong with our educational system, but it is not the teachers, but those in authority who are trying to push an economic and social agenda associated with keeping the 99% stupid, and the 1% eating high on the hog.  Frankly, I never did like pickled pig’s feet!





Saturday, May 3, 2014

God Did Not Say That When One Turns On The Faucet, Water Must Come Out

The other late afternoon when the temperature was in the upper ‘90’s, I went into the kitchen to start dinner, and turned on the faucet.  Nothing!  Nada!  Zilch!  No water!  It turned out to be a simple fix, at least for my husband.  He had forgotten to turn the hose off after filling the dog’s water bowls about an hour before I turned on the faucet.  It was an easy fix – the pump had emptied the spring box, and as a result had lost its prime.  He had it filling in no time, but we had to wait to use water for a little while.  That was not a bad experience, but a very significant wake-up call, for sure.  It had taken less than an hour to empty the spring box which meant that not very much water was flowing in to the box. 
For those who don’t know where we live, or why this was such a big deal, we not only live in California, but when one looks at the drought map of California, there is a sort of bump out on the coastal map about half way between Los Angeles and San Francisco.  All of California is in a moderate drought, and so the whole state is colored a dark pink on the drought map.  The severe drought areas are colored a light red, while this bump out area is a really dark red, and where we are it is so red it is almost black.  The colors are listed as moderate, severe, and extreme.  I maintain we are severely extreme!  Today about four or five cattle trucks have gone down our road, filled we presume, with cattle headed for the livestock market in a nearby town, since the springs are way down, and the grass is very short, and already drying.  All of our springs and stock ponds are dry, or very pretty limited.  We up here can make it through the drought OK, but our worry is the people who live in town who are dependent on the aquifers at the mouths of our canyons.
Many of us who live in these upper watersheds have been warning the decision makers in our community that there will be a major problem with water supply in a severe drought.  We warned that the growth of the number of households, or water using businesses, was rapidly approaching non-sustainability Those whose livelyhoods depend on population growth, such as real estate, construction, and development and tourism in general, have maintained that we were all just ‘no growth’.  That we were ‘anti-business’.
This kind of language reminded me of what I had heard in the 1950’s and after about the Soviet Union; that everyone there was subservient to what the Communist State wanted; that their journalists could not print anything that was antithetical to the State; and that all speech, etc., must be positive toward the State or one ended up in prison, if lucky.  Supposedly the joke in the Soviet Union was that if one read something in the state newspaper, Pravda, then one simply assumed the opposite since no one believed anything they read in Pravda.  Sort of like Faux News.
Now we have the opposite on the verge of becoming true in this country.  All of our decisions must be based on what is good for business.  We can’t raise the minimum wage for poor people because it might harm businesses; we can’t raise taxes on the wealthy to fund basic needs of the people such as roads, bridges, schools, necessary services for people because it will not help the wealthy or corporations.  Notice that those who are the most adamant climate change deniers have strong ties to those corporations who are dependent on fossil fuels, natural gas, or coal, with other people denying climate change for religious reasons. (Reputable religions agree that the scientists are correct in their data based theories proving climate change.)  So, it is not profitable for corporations to accept that the climate is changing, and we the people are going to have to pay dearly for this intransigence. 
And, in my opinion, as vital as business is to our social structure for all of the reasons that anyone could give, it is not more important than the entire people of the country.  We all should not have to base every one of our decisions based only on what is good for business.  One rule of thumb I used, though not in every decision I made, was the greatest good for the greatest number.  If a developer, for example, wanted to build a subdivision, and the resultant overuse of resources would cause stress for the citizens already there. I voted no.  I could see no reason to burden the rest of the population with problems that resulted from a development that would benefit only one person.  (As a reminder, in California after Prop 13 many years ago, development does not pay for itself.)
It is not a good feeling when one turns on the faucet and nothing comes out.