Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Debt Ceiling Debate and Lovely Sweet Potato Puffs

We used to have an elderly relative who would invite us to her house for dinner.  I always warned my kids before we went that we would, like it or not, eat the first serving.  If they got to serve themselves, then make it a small one if they knew they wouldn’t like it.

Like the infamous Sweet Potato Puffs!  She always passed these with, “Have a lovely sweet potato puff”.  No matter how many times she said “lovely”, they were very hard to swallow.  I’m not sure what was in them, but for sure there was no hint of any salt or spice, making them taste like so much cardboard. 

During these debt talks, whenever John Boehner or Eric Cantor, or for that matter almost any Tea Partier, is on TV, I am reminded again that no matter how many times Boehner, et al, pontificate about how rational and reasonable their bills to lower the debt ceiling are, saying so doesn’t make them rational and reasonable.  Just like those lovely sweet potato puffs.

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